Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine’s Beauty Blog Swap - REVEAL!!!!!!!!!!

If you will recall, I posted about a month back about a fantastic Beauty Blogger Swap going on that was being run by Beast & Beauty. Well it seems every non Australian blogger got paired up WITH an Australian!! So it means we all got packages from the land down under. There were really no guidelines other than spend 50.00AUS and ship by a certain date. 

This swap was unique to me because in every other swap I have been a part of you have given to one person, but gotten from another. This exchange we were buddied up. So I gave to the same person who was giving to me. While this takes out the element of surprise of who has you, its neat as its kind of like a beauty blogger pen pal!

And I had the lovely Amy from Beauty In A Bottle! It is now one of my daily reads. I highly recommend checking her out! Any ways, today I came home to find a package from Australia and I knew EXACTLY what it was!!

When I opened it up stuff started falling out immediately! She really packed that box full!

A really nice letter was inside from Amy. I couldn't get it all in one picture and still let you read it all, so here it is in pieces! 

First up was a bottle of Jurlique Jasmine Body Cream. While I am not a user of body creams, it is the PERFECT size to stick in my desk at work so a hand cream it has now become! While it says Jasmine Body Cream, the Jasmine scent is very faint. Definitely not in any way over powering. This is going to work next! Soon as my Strawberry Shortcake hand lotion from CAKE is empty!

Next up was this package wrapped in black tissue paper. The first item to come out was a black eye liner. When I swatched it I was stunned at how nice and smooth and soft it was. AND PIGMENTED!!

Next up was liquid lip and blush tint that comes in a brush/pen form. I have never seen one like this before and went to swatch it right away! I clicked and clicked and nothing happened. FINALLY like 70 clicks later (not joking! it was more than 70 clicks) the colour came out. 

Next up in that tissue wrapped package was the mascara that was not part of the gift! I will get use out of it for sure, just wish I knew what the name of it was! the bottom sticker is missing so I am not sure what formula it is, if its water proof or not, etc. 

And last but not least in that tissue wrapped package was a yummy smelling lip balm! I have NO IDEA how Amy knew to get me the watermelon one but its one of my favourite scents!

Also in the box was these makeup remover wipes. I must confess. I refuse to buy these as they seem like such a waste of money and wasteful but I LOVE getting them! I totally know its hypocritical of me, but its true. I LOVE THEM even though I wont spend my money on them. So I was really thrilled to get these. I will take them on my next trip with me instead of makeup remover! Much easier and less chances of leaking. 

Now as exciting as all this was to open, there is much more! Next up is a travel sized bottle of A'kin Lavender, Geranium & Jojoba Hand, Nail and Cuticle Cream. 

Then I see this!! And I KNOW thats it got some little glass bottles of liquid in them! I just KNOW it!

And of course I am right! TWO australis polishes that are GORGEOUS. I am not really big on the greens, but I saw this on Amy's blog and had to comment with how pretty it was! Little did I know the exact same one was on its way across the world to me! And a flakie!! Mates Rates and Speck-tacular

A really pretty coral colour that is fantastic as summer is on its way and I fell HARD for coral colours last year! 

And last but certainly not least a pretty vampy colour from Natio. 

Now what I loved most about what I had opened was that she actually took the time to pick out items that she thought would work for me and my lifestyle. She paid attention to my likes and dislikes mentioned in blog posts and it really shows in the package I got.

A MASSIVE thank you to the lovely organizer of this exchange the Beast & Beauty herself, and an even bigger thank you to my AWESOME WONDERFUL buddy in this exchange, Amy of Beauty In A Bottle!

Now I just have to PRETEND to be patient while I anxiously await (and check tracking 3 times a day) until my package ends up on HER doorstep! HURRY UP CANADA POST!!!

Here is a list of all the blogs participating. There will be a reveal link next to them as I see them!! Click the address to get to their blog, and click the bolded word REVEAL to see the REVEAL!!


  1. i sent a medium box from the post office. I really could have used a padded envelope and made it cheaper but it was a larger box and it was about 30.00. A TON! And it still isnt there yet! But it could be done for about 20.00. There was a 18 dollar option for my larger box but it did not include tracking and I don't trust Canada Post enough to not get tracking.

    Canada Post SUCKS!!!

  2. I was soooo excited when I saw I had received a parcel from Australia too!! And am now waiting for the one I sent to be delivered (looks like An Post (the Irish post) is as efficient as the Canadian one hey!).
    This swap was such a brilliant idea. I packed the box I sent with stuffs I knew couldn't be found in Australia, really hoping she'll like it :)

  3. I'm the same way with makeup remover wipes so you aren't alone! I refuse to buy them because they feel like such a huge waste of money, but love getting freebies of them. They travel so well that it's hard not to love them. They just cost too much for me to ever buy them!



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