Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ciate Sequined Manicures

First there was the caviar manicure. I really liked that. Then came the velvet manicure which kind of creeped me out. They were fuzzy and kind of weird....... Ok, they just were not for me. But this set kind of intrigues me. I am not quite sure if I love these or hate these..... What do you guys think?


  1. I love Ciate! but their products are too expensive. You can re-create them on your own by going to a craft store for like 2-5 bucks instead of $20 or more! :p

  2. Hmmmm it looks...ordinary. You can easily recreate it with the transparent polish and glitter. I agree with the previous poster $20 price tag is too much for this set.



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